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Focal Peripheral Neuroapthies
Fourth Edition
JBI Publishing

Mumenthaler, Stöhr, Müller-Vahl
Läsionen peripherer Nerven und radikuläre Syndrome

Venu Akuthota, Stanley A. Herring (Editors)
Nerve and Vascular Injuries in Sports Medicine
Springer 2009

Petraglia, Bailes, Day (editors)
Handbook of neurological Sports Medicine.
Human Kinetics 2015

Feinberg, Spielholz (Editors)
Peripheral nerve injuries in the athlete
Human Kinetics 2003

Reimers, Reuter, Tettenborn, Broocks, Thürauf, Knapp (Editors)
Prävention und Therapie durch Sport
Urban & Fischer 2015

Sports Neuropsychology
The Guilford Press 2006

Clinical Neuropsychology: A Pocket Handbook for Assessment / Michael W. Parsons and Thomas A. Hammeke, Editors; Peter J. Snyder, Founding Editor. Amer Psychological Assn



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